Gleb Pavlovich Akilov


(1921 - 1986)

ššššššš Gleb Pavlovich Akilov worked at the Chair of Mathematical Analysis in 1947-1964. Being a postgraduate student, he suggested a new approach to the problem of continuing linear operators by connecting this problem with the theory of partially ordered spaces. Later his research interests concerned the theory of locally convex spaces, the branch of functional analysis which developped intensely in the 50s.
        In 1957 Akilov organized a seminar devoted to this subject. Scientific enthusiasm, great erudition and outstanding personality of Akilov, his affability and openness attracted to the seminar young mathematicians (A.M.Vershik, B.M.Makarov, V.N.Sudakov, V.P.Khavin etc.).
        The first edition of the monograph "Functional analysis in normed spaces" by L.V.Kantorovich and G.P.Akilov appeared in 1959. Along with classical results on functional analysis, it reflected the works of Akilov and his pupils on the theory of locally convex spaces.
        A born teacher, a brilliant lecturer, Akilov gave many lecture courses, in particular, an original course on the theory of functions of real variables and a course on the operator theory in Hilbert spaces. We should particularly mention the reorganization of the course on mathematical analysis initiated by Akilov. This reorganization which resulted in uniting separate courses on mathematical analysis, the theory of functions of real variables and the theory of functions of complex variables in one course, was aimed to restore the teaching of analysis as a united section of mathematics with its subjects and techniques. The reorganization permitted to simplify the exposition, to avoid unnecessary repetitions and to provide a base for modern courses on the probability theory, functional analysis and mathematical physics. The importance of this reorganization carried out at our Department owing to Akilov goes beyond the limits of one university and remains actual at present.

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Last updated:š 23.08.99